Cyber security threats that originate from within your own company are classified as Insider threats. These aren’t easily detectable as anyone with an authentic access to your network, can pose as a threat. They might be from the people whom we trust. It might be an existing employee or an ex-employee, a vendor, direct and… …
Insider Threat Detection
Malicious insiders can cripple critical systems, copy and sell sensitive customer data, and steal corporate secrets. An insider threat is an employee, former employee, contractor, business associate or other person within an organization who has access to critical data and IT systems and therefore could cause harm to the business. Insider threats can be managed… …
Security on a Budget
Small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face myriad challenges when it comes to information security. Yet, a couple of prevailing ones seem to drive all the others. First, many SMBs believe that their data is not as desirable or valuable as that of big businesses. And, second, they convince themselves that investing in adequate protection is… …
With the cyber world dominating our lives, cyberattacks represent a serious concern for organizations worldwide. Damage caused is not just limited to data (both personal and financial) but money, productivity and intellectual property as well. Global organizations worldwide will spend $101.6 billion annually on cyber security software, hardware and services by 2020 compared with spending… …