Insider Threat Detection
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Malicious insiders can cripple critical systems, copy and sell sensitive customer data, and steal corporate secrets. An insider threat is an employee, former employee, contractor, business associate or other person within an organization who has access to critical data and IT systems and therefore could cause harm to the business. Insider threats can be managed by policies, procedures and technologies that help prevent privilege misuse or reduce the damage it can cause. In many organizations we find a general reluctance to invest in complex, pricey technologies like SIEM and UEBA. In this article we shall briefly talk about the best practices and techniques you can use to minimize the risk of insider threats.
Before you can effectively detect insider attacks, you need to assess all your current systems. Here are the steps to prepare yourself.
Techniques to detect Insider threats
It’s critical to be able to detect insider threats, including intruders with stolen credentials and trusted employees who go rogue. These best practices and techniques will help you starting building an insider threat detection program that works for your organization.
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