

Data Centric. Laser Focused.

Orchestrate IT security with your data at its core. Netwrix solutions empower you to identify and classify sensitive information with utmost precision; reduce your exposure to risk and detect threats in time to avoid data breaches; and achieve and prove compliance.


Data Security Software Done Right

Spot security risks and safeguard sensitive data

A data breach can happen to any organization. Netwrix solutions can help you uncover and reduce your risks around sensitive data by proactively mitigating its overexposure and helping you promptly detect policy violations and suspicious user behavior.


Focus Your Data Protection Efforts on What Really Matters

Prioritize the security of sensitive data across multiple data silos Automatically discover, classify and tag both unstructured and structured data, regardless of its location, so you can prioritize the security of sensitive information and apply security policies consistently across multiple data repositories.


Minimize the Risk of a Breach

  • Quarantine sensitive data
  • Secure overexposed documents
  • Streamline privilege attestations
  • Redact sensitive content
  • Improve the effectiveness of DLP


Promptly Detect Data Security Threats

Establish strict accountability over the use of privileged accounts Continuously monitor the activity of administrators and other privileged users across all systems to ensure that they follow internal policies and don’t abuse their privileges to access, modify or delete sensitive data without being caught.


Make More Informed Response Decisions in Less Time

  • Streamline investigations of data security incidents
  • Reduce the mean time to respond
  • Determine and report the severity of a data leak


Facilitate Recovery of Key Data and Learn from Past Incidents

Understand the value of data to plan information recovery processes Know where your most sensitive or business-critical data is located so you can create information recovery plans that prioritize the restoration of that content.

Information Governance

Information Governance Software to Ease Your Data-Related Headaches

Experts estimate that by 2025, 463 exabytes (463 quintillion bytes!) of data will be created each day globally. This exponential growth makes it difficult for organizations to understand and properly protect their data and comply with increasingly stringent data protection regulations. With the Netwrix information governance solution, you can reclaim control over your data and make your information governance policies work.

Mitigate Risk

Reduce Data Risks during Every Stage of the Information Lifecycle

Control data at creation or ingestion Discover information assets as they are collected or created, identify their level of sensitivity and declare appropriate documents as records. That way, you can stay in control and determine whether your organization is collecting more data than necessary.

Reduce Cost

Automate Data Governance to Save Money and Boost Efficiency

Satisfy data subject access requests (DSARs) with less cost Respond to data subject requests to comply with GDPR and other data privacy regulations with less effort and expense, by automating collection of the requested data across your various repositories, both on premises and in the cloud.

Increase Productivity

Avoid Productivity Loss by Keeping Valuable Content Organized and Discoverable

Identify and organize content that brings value Create a logical and manageable content structure so users can easily navigate it and find the insights they need. Maintain the organized structure to eliminate the need to recreate the content and reduce the effort required to manage the data stores.

IT Operations

IT Operations Management Software

IT operations management (ITOM) is the process of managing the provisioning, performance, availability and capacity of the computing, networking and application environment. Whenever an operational incident or user issue occurs, IT teams are expected to resolve it without a hitch, even though they are often short staffed. That’s a lot on their plate, especially if they lack modern software to help. Netwrix solutions reduce the time IT teams spend on ITOM, empowering them to meet user expectations and keep pace with evolving business needs without constantly staying late.

Resolve Incidents

Reduce helpdesk workload by addressing issues more efficiently

Fix user issues before they become real problems Improve your users’ experience and prevent your IT support team from being swamped with tickets on common user issues, such as expired passwords or inability to access required resources. Have detailed tickets automatically generated in your IT service management software based on Netwrix Auditor’s actionable data so you can initiate informed incident response before users even report a problem.

Audit & Report

Cut the time spent on change monitoring, configuration baselining and reporting

Get a clear picture of what was changed Keep tabs on what’s changing across your hybrid, cloud or on-premises infrastructure so you can spot and remediate issues before they stifle business processes and user productivity. As a result, you can deliver uninterrupted business services and meet your SLAs and user expectations consistently — without spending money on expensive security operations software.

Managed Your Data

Streamline your data management tasks

Make storage more efficient and users more productive Identify redundant and obsolete content filling up your data storages. Eliminate this clutter to reclaim the time you would have spent helping users find what they need in all the mess. Create more accurate storage forecasts and reduce the need to seek additional budget for more storage hardware for your data center.

Get in touch

Protect your business

If you are looking for reliable and efficient solutions to enhance your business operations, Mindfire is the perfect partner for you. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your goals. Whether you need Cyber Security Services, Managed Security Services (MSS), Consulting Services, Cyber Risk Management Services, Cloud Services, Digital Services, or Digital Transformation, our team of experts is here to assist you every step of the way. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us and take your business to the next level with Mindfire.