Attack Surface Management

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What is Attack Surface Management?

Cyber Attack Surface Management Services

Given the fact that most organisations are moving to the cloud and software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications are becoming increasingly important, the cyber attack surface of businesses is also getting bigger. With remote work and global digitalisation, attacks are also becoming smarter and more complex, making it challenging for most businesses to identify and prevent them.

In this digital world, almost any asset the company holds now can become an appealing target and a weak spot for cybercriminals; it is now more important than ever for companies to improve attack surface visibility across assets. This includes every asset, known or unknown, located in the cloud, digital or physical.

Attack surface management, or ASM for short, refers to the continuous discovery, inventory, classification and monitoring of an organisation's tech infrastructure. While some confuse this term with asset discovery and management, ASM approaches these and other security tasks from a hacker's perspective. This guarantees that the security measures can cover all attacker-exposed IT assets accessible from within or outside an organisation, including assets available on the internet and assets in suppliers' infrastructures.

Attack surface management always includes the following:

  • secure and insecure assets
  • known and unknown assets
  • shadow IT
  • active or inactive assets
  • premises and in the cloud assets
  • managed and unmanaged devices
  • IoT devices
  • hardware
  • software
  • software-as-a-service apps
  • cloud assets and resources

What Mindfire Offers

Mindfire’s cyber security experts Offer Different Types of Attack management Surface

Identify and Monitor Attack Surface

Mindfire’s cyber security experts scan the entire internet to identify, map, and monitor the potential external attack surface of your organisation. Our team helps boost the visibility of unknown assets to prevent successful attacks on them.

Estimate Risk and Prioritise Threats

Our specialists help to estimate risk exposure and prioritise targets for further improvements. Knowing where your weakest spots lie and closing these gaps in advance means prioritising the most dangerous risks for your company.

Adversary Tactics and Methods

As an attack surface management vendor, we mimic real-world attack scenarios to estimate vulnerabilities and exploitation opportunities. Having years of experience, our team can predict how hackers think and effectively inform your security teams on how to close weak spots and eliminate potential threats before hackers reach them.

Remediation Support and Reporting

Since most attacks on a well-established business can be costly, a mitigation strategy should always be in place. Mindfire provides advisory guidelines on how to better manage successful attacks and outcomes to better support the operational efforts of your security teams.​

How Does ASM Protect From Cyber Attacks?

We can Protect your systems by cyber attacks

Explore Assets

You won't be able to successfully manage your assets if you don't know that they exist. Since cybersecurity teams in many organisations lack expertise and knowledge in different areas, not all of them know that they have a vast range of "unknown unknowns". These include assets housed on partner or third-party sites, IoT devices, deprecated IP addresses, services enabled by Shadow IT, and so on. Outdated tools and processes usually miss these attack surface assets. Luckily, they can be quickly found using modern cyber attack surface management methods by mimicking techniques attackers use.

Test Continuously

Testing your cyber attack surface once won't give any results. Since every day your organisation adds tools, apps, third-party services and devices into the ecosystem, the attack surface will only grow and become more visible for attackers month after month. To be more specific, not only does the risk of a successful attack grow but also misconfigurations, data exposures or other security gaps. This is why our team tests all possible attack vectors continuously to ensure that your business is secure everywhere and at each given moment.

Identify Context

Since every attack vector is developed differently, business context and ownership are essential elements of efficient attack surface management. However, outdated tools and processes usually are not able to provide the context in a consistent way, making it almost impossible to prioritise fixes. By using our practice-proven attack surface management solutions, you can get information on the IP addresses, device types, current use purpose, device owners, their relation to other assets, as well as all possible vulnerabilities they hold. Getting this context helps in prioritising cyber risk and determining whether the specific asset should be taken down, deleted, or just monitored.


The list of identified potential attack vectors will probably be much larger than your in-house security team can handle and resolve. This is why it's essential to collect and check the context, which will allow you to easily prioritise these vectors and potential threats. Focusing on criteria like ease of exploitation, discoverability, hacker priority, and remediation speed and complexity helps ensure you prioritise the most urgent risks and prevent them one by one.

What Is The Benefits

Benefits of Mindfire’s Attack Surface Management Services

Real-Time Visibility

Digital transformation, moving to the cloud, distributed workforce, and the use of technologies are becoming essential features of most organisations, but they also cause continuous changes to the IT asset experience. Attack surface management services offer real-time visibility of the evolving assets' vulnerabilities, which allows companies to explicitly visualise their overall security postures.

Improve Risk Management Practices

Knowing the ratings of their assets, companies get a better understanding of the risk level of each asset. This, in turn, helps security teams to accurately and effectively manage the risk, developing new and improving risk management practices.

Reduce Time for Asset Inventory

Attack surface management provides accurate asset inventory. The tools we use in the process help organisations to quickly explore, view, label and classify all assets.

More Quick & Effective Remediation

One of the key benefits of using ASM is risk prioritisation. The amount of information any organisation’s data centres keep is huge. This is why risk prioritisation helps identify the severity of vulnerabilities of an individual asset and determine how exactly it will affect the organisation. This helps to prepare remediation action better, as the security team will be able to focus on the most vulnerable assets and then handle the least vulnerable ones.​

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Protect your business

If you are looking for reliable and efficient solutions to enhance your business operations, Mindfire is the perfect partner for you. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your goals. Whether you need Cyber Security Services, Managed Security Services (MSS), Consulting Services, Cyber Risk Management Services, Cloud Services, Digital Services, or Digital Transformation, our team of experts is here to assist you every step of the way. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us and take your business to the next level with Mindfire.